What Are the Privileges Enjoyed by a Football Team Goalkeeper?

A football match is a sporting activity or game that involves 22 players – 11 players on either side. That is, 11 players make a team. A team has only one goalkeeper at the goalpost.

There is no way a normal football team will have more than 11 players on the field of play. However, a team may be reduced to less than 11 players if the referee issues a red car to one or more players in a team.
A goalkeeper enjoys so many privileges such as the following:

• The goalkeeper is the only player than can be treated on the field of play when he or she gets injured. So, the game is brought to a pause once a goalkeeper has an injury during the match and the game can only continue if he or she manages to get up or if he or she tells the coach to change him or her.

• The goalkeeper is the only player that can use his head, hand, leg and any other part of his or her body to touch the ball. The only time another player can touch the ball with his or her hand is when his or her team is asked to throw the ball.

• The goalkeeper is the only player allowed to put on a pair of trousers on the field of play. No other player can try it.

• The goalkeeper is the only player allowed to function as another player. That is, he or she can also function as a defender, midfielder, winger or striker. However, another player can function as a goalkeeper if the goalkeeper gets injured and there’s no reserve goalkeeper or if the goalkeeper is issued a red card.

Anna C. Knight

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