How Girls Basketball Players Get Listed on ESPN Hoopgurlz Best of Summer

ESPN Hoopgurlz recently released their Best of Summer Series. In the series, Hoopgurlz presented their Top Teams, Breakout players, Gunners (Best Shooters and Scorers) and Dime Droppers (passers). Believe me the young ladies on these lists will be the players you hear about at top college programs. Now how exactly do you get mentioned on these lists?

Play during the Summer

First of all, the title is “How Girls Basketball Players get listed on ESPN Hoopgurlz Best of Summer”. I could stop there.. In today’s society and level of girls basketball, you can not only play during the regular school basketball season. You have to continue to play basketball during the late spring and into the summer.

Play on a National Level

If you visit the ESPN Hoopgurlz site, you will notice Tips Sheets of events they attended during the summer. These events were all over the place. You will see cities like Memphis, TN; Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Oregon City, OR; and North Augusta, S.C. If you are a player and want to get recognition as such a player, you can not limit yourself and play summer basketball in a recreational or church league in your neighborhood. It just does not work that way. You have to get out and play against top talent at top national events.

Play the Game

Players that make the Best of Summer list can play some basketball. They are fundamentally sound. They are team players. They are great shooters AND scorers. They are distributors.

Anna C. Knight

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