So You Wanna Be a Fitness Model? People that follow my stuff know I generally write about nutrition, supplements, training, and other topics that are more science based than subjective topics, such as what is covered in this article. I decided to shuck my science geek persona, and write on […]

Are you in to sports? Do need exercise equipment? Do you want to avoid injury when playing? If you are any of the above, then knowing the types of sports equipment will be necessary for you. Sports equipment is used for both sporting activities and even exercising. This is because […]

Everyone who loves to flaunt a nicely toned body 24/7 knows for sure that they must spend some time in a fitness program. Most men realize that women will generally find a well toned body simple irresistible and this is a powerful motivation for most men, to whom such a […]

Switching up your exercise routine will make the York C202 one of the best exercise bikes for your workout. The 22 workout programs will always keep the body guessing what your workout will be for the day. This feature is loved by many people who have purchased this exercise bike […]